Pentagon D Limited Apps

HK-Jobs **上位網 1.0.2
無論你係打工仔一族,定係一間新創企業(Startup)的老闆,相信都想搵到合適的人和你合作。HK-Jobs/ 上位網絕對幫到你在一個最短的時間搵到最適合的合作夥伴。 HK-Jobs/上位網矢志提供一個電子平台,採用簡單、方便及快捷的方式讓所有人搵工(無論係全職、兼職、自由工作)或搵新創企業(Startup)的合作夥伴(partner) 也能在這裏完滿做到。 我們運用360度全方位的渠道:網站、iOS App、AndroidApp及各大流行線上社交平台)推廣至合適的社群及目標人群。大大提高找到合適的人,做你的老闆、做你的伙記或做你的合作夥伴。 is an online platform presented in the channels ofMobile Apps, Web Site, the popular Online Social Medias for bothemployers and job seekers to match to each other in a mostefficient way. The mobile app offers job seekers with an innovativeand easy way to search job openings on mobile devices in only fewclicks. And also enable Startup to find partner easily. It isoperated with user-friendly interfaces optimized for various screensize of mobile devices.